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Tutor Tuesdays
Slipped and accidentally took a month off of Tutor Tuesdays...But we are back with the lovely Dr Marie Aronsson - Storrier - Global...

Tutor Tuesdays ft Paul Almond
1) Alma mater? I studied LLB Law and Politics at Birmingham University, and also did my PhD there – Birmingham is an amazing city and I...

Tutor Tuesdays
This week our Tutor Tuesdays is dedicated to the brilliant Elizabeth Conaghan - power playlist master. 1) Alma mater? University of...

Tutor Tuesdays
This weeks Tutor Tuesdays is dedicated to the wonderful Adrian - aka the Aussie IP guru who dabbles in land. 1) Alma mater? The...

This week's Tutor: Dr. Annika Newnham
It's Tuesday, which means it's time to learn about another one of our wonderful tutors. This week it's Dr. Annika Newnham: family law...

This term we are dedicating Tuesday to Q&A's with our incredible lecturers. Our first post features the truly wonderful Amanda Millmore -...

Gabrielle Turnquest
Our second ‘Women in Law Wednesdays’ post is dedicated to an incredible, superhuman barrister - Gabrielle Turnquest At the age of just 18...

Rose Heilbron - 100 Years of Women in Law
A woman of many firsts, Rose is our first inspirational woman in law. A truly amazing woman that has paved the way for women in law...

100 Years of Women in Law
2019 Marks 100 years since the Sex Disqualification (Removal) Act 1919. This act paved the way for women to become lawyers for the first...

BPP's events for the year ahead
Want to know how to moot, get interview advice or improve your commercial awareness? Check out BPP University Law School's event...

Solicitor General meets Law Soc
Some of our members were given the opportunity to meet the Solicitor General Robert Buckland MP this week as part of an organised visit...

Law Society Picnic 2018
Another great event for Law Soc! Our annual summer picnic was attended by more than 130 students; with drinking games, rounders and table...

Osborne Clarke Mooting Competition 2018
Winners Samuel Carson & Manon Williams Runners up - Harry Stewart & Fiona Davies A huge congratulations to Manon Williams and Samuel...

Law Ball 2018
Our biggest ever Law Ball! Thanks to the committee for organising such a spectacular evening...

Lincoln's Inn Dinner
The Law Society was pleased to send four of our members to a dinner at Lincoln's Inn; it was an enjoyable evening and a great environment...
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